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Getting Started

Commander is a flexible and extensible command framework for roblox-ts that makes defining commands easy and readable.


npm install @rbxts/commander

Starting Commander

Commander needs to be started once on the client and server.

(registry) => {
// Register commands or types here
interface: CommanderInterface({
// You can configure the interface here, such as changing activation keys
// The options below are optional
// The maximum terminal and command history length, default length is 1000
historyLength: 1000,
// If you don't want to register built-in types, you can change this option
// This is set to true by default
registerBuiltInTypes: true,
).catch((err) => warn("Commander could not be started:", tostring(err)));


The way commands and types are registered is the same on the server and client.

CommanderServer.start((registry) => {
// Register commands by loading all command ModuleScripts under an Instance
// You can also use this for types: ModuleScripts that export a function
// will be called with the registry object, allowing you to do any
// registration there.
const commandContainer = script.Parent.commands;
// If you've already loaded the command ModuleScripts
// (e.g. through Flamework.addPaths) you can register
// them like this:
// Type objects are registered like this:
registry.registerTypes(someOtherType, anotherType);
}).catch((err) => warn("Commander could not be started:", tostring(err)));